
Our Lady's Little Scribe seeks to use the internet for sharing the Catholic faith and Franciscan spirituality, going from Gospel to life and life to the Gospel.

The silk painting, shown above, is by Ty Mam Duw, Poor Clare Colettines, Hawarden, WALES GB. Their website is here. Ty Mam Duw is Welsh and means The House of the Mother of God. Our Lady of the Pearl cherishes their friendship and is grateful for their many kindnesses and prayers. The image is used with permission.

Entertaining Angels

Entertaining Angels
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Friday, January 10, 2014

Comment on U. S. News Article: The Catholic Supreme Court’s War on Women

Per Catholic League for Religious and Civil Rights, this is perhaps the most bigoted attack on Catholicism that has appeared in decades by any mainstream media outlet. What set Jamie Stiehm off was Supreme Court Justice Sonia Sotomayor's decision to stay the Health and Human Services mandate from taking effect January 1.

As usual for this type of article, the author does not know up from down as to how the Supreme Court of US functions and how decisions are made, the meaning of the Reglion Clause of First Amendment to USC nor what faithful and devout Catholics believe and are required to follow. She seems to admire Catholic Pelosi who is very much out of step with the teachings of the Catholic Church as well as being grossly ignorant about the faith, morals, dogma, doctrine and the Magesterium of the Catholic Church. Actually, I thought Sonia was just another liberal Catholic like Pelosi. Perhaps she made her decision based on the Constitution and not on her Catholicism, no matter how weak.

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