“The moment when the Lord comes down and transforms bread and wine to become his Body and Blood cannot fail to stun, to the very core of their being, those who participate in the Eucharist by faith and prayer. When this happens, we cannot do other than fall to our knees and greet him. The Consecration is the moment of God’s great action in the world for us. It draws our eyes and hearts on high. For a moment the world is silent, everything is silent, and in that silence we touch the eternal – for one beat of the heart we step out of time into God’s being-with-us.” (Source: Ratzinger, The Spirit of the Liturgy)
“Do I realize that by the power of the Holy Spirit, in the reiteration of Christ’s words, the greatest miracle in the world is taking place? I may not realize that at this moment the very posture of bending the knee is a special prayer of adoration. Yet this gesture helps make me small not just in the gesture but within. The liturgical sign of kneeling can prompt my consciousness, inspiring ever deepening Faith.” (Source: The Mystery of Faith by Father Tadeusz Dajczer)
“Fatima means much more than Marian apparitions. The extraordinary message included in Eucharistic visions is paramount, namely the big Host from which drops of blood are flowing down into the cup. The mighty Angel bows deeply before the Host, touches the ground with his forehead in deepest worship. His whole attitude expresses the most profound adoration. The children of Fatima, shaken by the force of God’s presence, so intense that it almost consumes and annihilates them, receive God – the Body of Christ. The majestic might of God present in the Eucharist lasts for so long that their senses become as if suspended.” (Source: Fatima in Lucia’s Own Words – Sister Lucia’s Memoirs, Vol. 1, Fatima 2002, 4th Memoir.)
“As I realise all this, I’m speechless seeing the inadequacy of my adoration before God’s grandeur coming down onto the altar. He who governs this world is actually present. He who is Alpha and Omega of human history wants to unite Himself with me in a measure that’s beyond my normal capacity. This God adored by multitudes of angels comes to me as Love, the Redeeming One, the Eucharistic One to give me everything, to fulfill me abundantly. Infinity embracing finitude so that I, the very worldly I, become utterly fulfilled in and through this Eucharistic Love.” (Source: The Mystery of Faith by Father Tadeusz Dajczer)
The Easter Itinerancy
(An old post updated)
Every year on this holy night I reflect on the grace of itinerancy that the
Holy Spirit has given me; only twice in my whole baptism ...
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